Lyrebird Art Association
Lyrebird Art Association is a teen-founded non-profit fundraiser that works to raise awareness around mental health and other insufficiently discussed societal issues through music, art, and other creative practices.
Initially begun in 2019, Lyrebird Art has weathered the test of time, continuously hosting annual concerts.
Embracing a new year, The Lyrebird flutters its wings again as it prepares for a new flight, ready to mimic and amplify the undermined voices of our local community. We will do our best to stay informed and educate global citizens, making an effort to create a positive change.
We host annual concerts and since 2022, art auctions
Each time, we have 25+ teenage musicians based in Sydney
Every time we partner with a different Australian local non-profit that shed light on different societal issues
We have raised a raw total of $15,000+ from our last 3 concerts and art auctions
Registering and writing annual reports as a certified Australian non-profit
Running and updating our website at
Advertising and ticket sales through personal social media platforms
Soliciting donations, registering on trybooking
Recruiting young musician and artist interest
Deciding on a theme, finding and communciating with credible local non-profits
Planning concert logistics, finding venues and communicating costs including lighting, hallway use, and utilities such as mics, amps and projector
Facilitate regular meetings with co-founder and members
Organizing frames for art pieces, setting up "art gallery" in the hallway
Designing programs as well as both educational and background information sections
Writing host script and hosting both the concert and the art auctions