About Me
I am Grace, an Australian-Chinese high school junior attending the Thacher boarding School in Ojai, California. As a music composer, piano and violin performer, award-winning short story and novel writer, blogger, non-profit founder, and entrepreneur (developing a music-social media app), I’ve been recently interviewed by the South Morning China Post and the Australian Special Broadcasting Service about my music-technological journey. Since I first started composing, I've realized the business, technological, social, and computational aspects that could be incorporated into music. To experiment, I have put on numerous music charity concerts through my non-profit Lyrebird Art, developed an app called My Music ID (currently on app store), studied the math behind the music with my Grampa (string vibration equation, Fourier series), and worked in music NFT companies who seek to change the music industry through blockchain technology.
mbti personality: ENTJ
horoscope: Cancer
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff / Slytherin
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